
Interpreting and translating, and using January’s insights, it seems that February’s Valentine’s Day, a time when men traditionally give flowers and chocolates to their wives, might not escape being tainted by the horrific, stinky, and to some extent, artificial satanic additives❗️❗️❗️ Note here that the gifts, I would say, are not really given to the woman but to a teddy bear – symbolizing either an artificial human or one transformed into a beast. This mirrors how alchemist doctors give insignificant gifts to their patients whom they have deceitfully turned into cash cows for life. These patients undergo countless satanic alchemical manipulations and are continuously reshaped on the operating table throughout their conscious lives❗️❗️❗️

BRIEFLY: Valentine’s Day in February, where men gift their wives flowers and chocolates, might be tainted with terrible and somewhat artificial satanic mix-ins. The gifts seem more aimed at an artificial or transformed being, reminiscent of how some deceitfully exploit others for personal gain, subjecting them to manipulative and harmful practices throughout their lives.