Genealogical Tree from first five book of The Bible

Genealogical tree by fathers

               |                                |
             Cain                            Abel (died early, no descendants)
|              |              |              |
Shem         Ham          Japheth        (other sons and daughters)
|              |              |
(Ancestors of Semitic    (Ancestors of various    (Ancestors of various 
 peoples, including      African and Canaanite    Indo-European peoples, 
 Abraham)                peoples)                 including the Greeks 
                                                   and Medes)
           Abram (Abraham)---Sarai (Sarah)
               |                |   
  +------------+------+         +----------+
  |                   |                    |
Ishmael            Isaac-----------------+
                   |                     |
                 Esau                Jacob (Israel)---Leah
                 |                     |                 |
         (Ancestor of Edomites)        +-----+        (12 Tribes of Israel)
                                       |     |            including 
                                    Benjamin  Joseph       Levi (Ancestors of 
                                                      the Levitical priesthood)
                                                         Judah (Line of King David,
                                                         and later Jesus)

Key marriages are indicated with lines, leading to significant descendants who have impacted biblical narratives and genealogies. Ishmael, while part of Abraham’s family, becomes the ancestor of a different people group (traditionally associated with Arab peoples) in contrast to Isaac, through whom the Israelite nation is furthered.

Zipporah, Moses’ wife, and their sons, Gershom and Eliezer, while significant, fall outside the main Abrahamic genealogical line but are crucial to Moses’ personal story.

Genealogical tree with both parents

Adam & Eve
 ├─┬── Cain
 │ │
 │ └── Abel
 └─┬── Seth
   └── (Generations leading to Noah)
       Noah & Wife
        ├─┬─ Shem ───────┬── (Ancestors of Semitic peoples, including Terah)
        │                │
        ├─┬─ Ham ────────┬── (Ancestors of Canaanites and various African peoples)
        │                │
        └─┬─ Japheth ────┬── (Ancestors of Indo-European peoples)
                       Terah & Wife
       │                │             │                             │
   Abram (Abraham)   Nahor         Haran                        Lot (Nephew)
     & Sarai (Sarah)  & Milcah   (No spouse mentioned)           (No spouse mentioned)
  │    │        │                 │
  │  Ishmael  Isaac & Rebekah   Other children
  │ & Hagar                      │ 
  └────┘      ┌───────┼──────────┘
              │       │
           Esau   Jacob (Israel) ────┬─────┬───── Leah
                                     │     │         │
                                     │     ├───── Rachel
                                     │     │
                                           │             │
                             Sons of Leah  Sons of Rachel Sons of Jacob's
                             and Concubines: Bilhah & Zilpah,
                             including Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Other Concubines:
                             Judah, Issachar, Zebulun    Including Gad, Asher,
                                                         Dan, Naphtali
                                       Joseph & Benjamin
  • Cain and Abel have no further lineage mentioned due to Abel’s early death and Cain’s lineage not being detailed within the scope provided.
  • Seth leads to Noah through generations.
  • Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, give rise to different peoples.
  • Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah), following God’s promise, change their names and become the ancestors of the Israelites.
  • Ishmael, born to Hagar and Abraham, founders a lineage distinct from Isaac’s.
  • Isaac, with Rebekah, fathers Esau and Jacob. Jacob’s name changes to Israel, solidifying his significance.
  • Jacob (Israel) marries Leah and Rachel, whose children become the forefathers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Bilhah and Zilpah, Rachel’s and Leah’s maids, respectively, also bear children with Jacob.

2. Genealogical tree with both parents

Adam & Eve
 ├─ Cain (no further details provided here)
 ├─ Abel (no descendants)
 └─ Seth (ancestor of Noah)
     └─ (Several generations)
         Noah & [Noah's Wife's name is not mentioned in the Bible]
          ├─ Shem ────────────┐
          │                   └─ (Ancestors of Semitic peoples)
          ├─ Ham ──────────────┐
          │                    └─ (Ancestors of Canaanites, Egyptians, and others)
          └─ Japheth ──────────┐
                               └─ (Ancestors of other peoples, expanding into Europe and Asia Minor)
                                 Terah & [Terah's Wife's name is not mentioned in the Bible]
                   │              │                 │                         │
                Abram            Nahor             Haran                    Lot
                (Abraham)         & Milcah          & [Haran's Wife's         (Nephew, son of Haran)
                & Sarai           │                 name is not mentioned]
                (Sarah)           │                 │
                  │               └─ Other          │
                  │               descendants       └─ Lot's Daughters
  Ishmael         ├─ Isaac & Rebekah                 │
  & Hagar         │                 │                │
                  │                 │                └─ Moabites & Ammonites (through Lot)
                  │                 │
                  └─ Other children │
                           │                  │
         Esau ─────────────┤                  ├─ Jacob (Israel) & Leah
                           │                  │    │
                           │                  │    ├─ Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah
                           │                  │    │
                           │                  ├─ Rachel
                           │                  │    │
                           │                  │    ├─ Joseph & Benjamin
                           │                  │    │
                           │                  ├─ Bilhah (Rachel's servant)
                           │                  │    │
                           │                  │    ├─ Dan & Naphtali
                           │                  │    │
                           │                  ├─ Zilpah (Leah's servant)
                           │                       │
                           │                       ├─ Gad & Asher
                    (Descendants and further details not included)

3. Genealogical tree with both parents

Adam & Eve
 ├── Cain
 ├── Abel
 └── Seth
     ... [Generations] ...
     Noah & Wife (unnamed)
     ├── Shem
     ├── Ham
     └── Japheth
         ... [Generations] ...
         Terah & Wife (unnamed)
         ├── Abram (Abraham) & Sarai (Sarah)
         │   │
         │   ├── Ishmael by Hagar
         │   │
         │   └── Isaac & Rebekah
         │       │
         │       ├── Esau & Wives (Adah, Oholibamah, and Basemath)
         │       │
         │       └── Jacob (Israel) 
         │           │
         │           ├─ with Leah: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah
         │           │
         │           ├─ with Rachel: Joseph, Benjamin
         │           │
         │           ├─ with Bilhah (Rachel's servant): Dan, Naphtali
         │           │
         │           └─ with Zilpah (Leah's servant): Gad, Asher
         ├── Nahor & Milcah
         │   │
         │   └── Bethuel
         │       │
         │       └── Laban & Wife (unnamed)
         │           │
         │           ├── Leah & Jacob (Israel): [See Jacob's children above]
         │           │
         │           └── Rachel & Jacob (Israel): [See Jacob's children above]
         └── Haran
             ├── Lot
             ├── Milcah (married Nahor)
             └── Iscah


  • Known as Moses’ wife and Jethro’s daughter. She plays a crucial role by circumcising her son, showcasing her understanding of God’s commands.


  • Begins as Moses’ aide and a loyal follower. Later, as one of the 12 spies, he shows faith in God’s promise. Ultimately, Joshua becomes Moses’ successor, leading the Israelites into Canaan.

Bithiah (Traditionally associated with Pharaoh’s daughter)

  • Recognized for her compassion in rescuing and adopting Moses, ensuring his survival and eventual leadership role.


  • Appears as Moses’ sister, protecting him as an infant. She later celebrates the Israelites’ escape from Egypt, but faces God’s discipline for questioning Moses.

Pharaoh (During the Exodus)

  • The Egyptian ruler who defies releasing the Israelites, leading to God’s plagues and the Israelites’ eventual departure.


  • Moses’ father-in-law, who offers wise advice on leadership and governance.


  • Central to Exodus through Deuteronomy, Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, receives God’s laws, and guides them towards the Promised Land.


  • Moses’ brother and assistant in leading the Israelites; he plays a significant role in religious affairs and is consecrated as the first High Priest.


  • His story of perseverance and ascension to power in Egypt is vital for the Israelites’ eventual movement to Egypt, setting the stage for Exodus.


  • Jacob’s youngest son, whose life story symbolizes family unity and reconciliation, particularly through his interactions with his brother Joseph.


  • Isaac’s firstborn, known for forfeiting his birthright and blessing to Jacob, yet eventually reconciling with his brother.


  • Later named Israel, he becomes the father of the twelve tribes and is central to the narrative of Genesis, with his descendants playing a key role in Exodus.


  • Jacob’s first wife through whom many of the tribes of Israel are established, highlighting the complexities of Jacob’s family life.


  • Loved by Jacob, her struggle and eventual motherhood to Joseph and Benjamin underscore themes of patience and faith.

From Adam to Noah: The Dawn of Humanity

The genealogy kicks off with Adam and Eve, marking the beginning of humanity. Their immediate descendants, Cain, Abel, and Seth, set the stage for humanity’s early moral challenges and divine interactions. The narrative then jumps generations to Noah, a righteous man chosen by God to survive the Great Flood. Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, repopulate the earth, laying down the ethnic diversities known to the ancient world.

The Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

The story of the Patriarchs begins with Abram (later Abraham), his wife Sarai (Sarah), and the miraculous birth of their son, Isaac, symbolizing the birth of a covenantal relationship between God and Abraham’s descendants. Isaac and his wife, Rebekah, become parents to twins Esau and Jacob (later Israel). While Esau sells his birthright, Jacob becomes the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, marrying Leah and Rachel. Leah and Rachel, along with their maidservants Bilhah and Zilpah, bear Jacob’s children, including Joseph and Benjamin, who play pivotal roles in the narrative of Genesis.

Moses and the Exodus

Moses, the liberator of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, is a direct descendant of Levi, one of Jacob’s sons with Leah. Moses, along with his brother Aaron and sister Miriam, lead the Israelites out of Egypt, through the desert, and towards the Promised Land. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, a priest of Midian, and his wife, Zipporah, a Midianite woman, represent the non-Israelite connections that influenced Moses’ life and leadership.

Key Figures in Exodus to Deuteronomy

Apart from Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, the Torah introduces Joshua, Moses’ successor, who leads the Israelites into Canaan. Bithiah, traditionally associated with Pharaoh’s daughter, plays a crucial role in Moses’ early life. The antagonistic role of the Pharaoh during the Exodus highlights the struggle between God’s will and human obstinacy.

Moses genealogical tree

Abraham & Sarah
 └─ Isaac & Rebekah
     └─ Jacob (Israel) & Leah
         └─ Levi
             └─ Kohath
                 └─ Amram & Jochebed
                     ├─ Miriam
                     ├─ Aaron
                     └─ Moses
  • Abraham & Sarah – Their covenant with God establishes the lineage that will eventually produce the Israelite nation, with Abraham being promised descendants as numerous as the stars.
  • Isaac & Rebekah – Isaac, Abraham and Sarah’s son of the promise, further the covenantal lineage through his sons Esau and Jacob.
  • Jacob (Israel) & Leah – Jacob, who God named Israel, had twelve sons who became the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel. Levi, one of these sons, is directly ancestral to Moses.
  • Levi – Levi’s descendants, the Levites, are set apart for religious duties instead of territorial inheritance in the Promised Land.
  • Kohath – Kohath’s lineage plays a crucial role, as his descendants, including Amram, are central figures in Israel’s religious life.
  • Amram & Jochebed – Direct parents of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. Jochebed is often cited as a daughter of Levi, making her Amram’s aunt and Moses’ mother, which emphasizes the Levitical priesthood’s hereditary aspect within Moses’ immediate family.
  • Miriam – Moses’ sister, plays a supportive role during the Exodus and is recognized as a prophetess.
  • Aaron – Moses’ brother, who becomes the first high priest of Israel, establishing the Aaronic priesthood lineage.
  • Moses – The central figure of the Exodus story, leading the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage and receiving the Law from God.

Navigating the Branches

The genealogical records in the Bible serve multiple purposes. They not only establish the legitimacy and divine selection of Israel but also map out the moral and spiritual lineage that defines the chosen people. Every name and connection reminds readers of the covenant with Abraham and the overarching divine plan guiding these figures’ fates.

The complexities of these family trees reflect the multifaceted nature of human-divine relationships, showcasing themes of faithfulness, redemption, and the eternal promise. As readers journey through these genealogies, they’re invited to see beyond mere names, exploring the stories, trials, and triumphs that each ancestor contributes to the saga of humanity and the special nation of Israel.