10. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Noah’s Big Family – The World Starts Over.

Hey there, friends! After a huge flood that covered the whole earth, Noah and his family were the only people left. But guess what? They had a big job to do – starting the world all over again! This story from the Bible talks about Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and how their families grew and spread all over the world.

A Brand New Start Once the floodwater went away, Noah’s family stepped out of the ark into a brand-new world. God told them to make lots of families to fill up the earth again. Imagine being one of Noah’s great-great-grandkids and exploring all the empty lands!

Noah’s Sons Make the World Go ‘Round Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. They and their kids started all the different groups of people in the world. Ham’s son, Cush, had a son named Nimrod, who was super strong and started a big kingdom. Shem’s family included lots of important people who would be part of many stories later on.

Families Go Everywhere All these families from Noah’s sons spoke different languages and lived in different places. They had their own ways of doing things and started what we now know as different countries and cultures.

Animals and Adventures Just like the animals that left the ark, Noah’s family spread out and filled the earth with all kinds of adventures. They built cities, grew food, and probably had lots of amazing pets from all the animals Noah saved.

Learning from Noah and His Family

  • Everyone’s Family: Noah’s family shows us that all people in the world are connected, like a super big family tree.
  • Taking Care of the Earth: Noah and his sons took care of the planet after the flood; it reminds us to look after the earth too.
  • Be Brave: Starting over in a new world must have been scary, but Noah’s family were brave explorers, just like you can be when trying new things.
  • Work Together: Building a whole new world took teamwork. Noah’s family worked together, showing us that working with others helps make big dreams come true.

A Rainbow Promise God was so happy with Noah and his family starting over that He made a promise, shown by a rainbow, never to flood the whole earth again. So, whenever you see a rainbow, remember Noah’s family and God’s promise to take care of us all.

That’s the story of how Noah’s family helped start the world all over again after the flood. What kind of world would you like to create if you had the chance? Remember, just like Noah’s family, you’re part of a big story too!