12. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Abram’s Big Adventure.

Hey kids! Get ready for an amazing story about Abram (who later gets a cool new name, Abraham), his wife Sarai, and their epic journey that’s told in the Bible. Imagine packing up your life and going on a big adventure not knowing where you’ll end up. That’s exactly what Abram did!

Saying “Bye-Bye” to Haran One day, God told Abram to leave his home in Haran, leave his friends, and even say goodbye to his favorite places. Abram was 75 years old; that’s like having 75 birthdays! God promised Abram that He would show him a new land, make him super famous, and bless everyone through him. So, Abram, Sarai, and Abram’s nephew Lot packed their bags (and don’t forget the camels!) and set off on their adventure.

Hello, Canaan! Abram and his crew traveled a long way and finally arrived in Canaan. God told Abram that this beautiful land would one day belong to his family. So, Abram built an altar to say “Thank you” to God for keeping them safe and for the amazing promise.

A Little Detour to Egypt But then, something tricky happened. There wasn’t enough food to eat in Canaan because of a big famine, so Abram and his family had to go to Egypt to find some groceries. Abram was worried that the Egyptians would be dazzled by Sarai’s beauty and that it might cause some trouble. So, he came up with a plan to say Sarai was his sister.

Oops! Trouble in Egypt Well, the Pharaoh of Egypt thought Sarai was so beautiful that he wanted her to stay in his palace. But God wasn’t happy about this mix-up and made sure Pharaoh knew he made a big mistake. Once Pharaoh realized what had happened, he told Abram to take Sarai and head back to Canaan, and even said sorry by giving them lots of gifts.

Lessons from Abram’s Journey

  • Bravery to Start New: Abram teaches us it’s brave to try new things, even if it means leaving what’s comfortable behind.
  • God’s Got Your Back: Just like God promised to look after Abram, we’re reminded that we’re never alone, especially when we’re doing something scary or new.
  • Honesty Is the Best Policy: Abram’s little mix-up in Egypt shows us that being honest is super important. Even when we’re scared, telling the truth is always the best.
  • Saying “Sorry” Matters: Pharaoh said “sorry” to Abram by giving them gifts, showing us that making things right after a mistake is a good thing to do.
  • Adventure Awaits: Like Abram’s journey to a new land, life is full of adventures, and who knows what cool plans are waiting just for us!

So, kids, what did you think of Abram and Sarai’s big adventure? It’s pretty neat to think about traveling to new places and making brand new starts. What kind of adventure would you like to go on? Remember, every day is a chance for your own epic story to begin!