15. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Abram’s Starry Promise – a Bright Future.

Hey there, superstars! Get ready for an amazing story from the Bible about Abram, who would later be known as Abraham. After some pretty big adventures, God had some special promises just for him. This part of the Bible is like a treasure map to understanding how Abram started on the path to becoming the father of a great nation.

Abram’s Big Chat with God After Abram did some heroic deeds, God came to him in a vision and said, “Don’t be scared, Abram. I’m like a super shield for you, and I’ve got some awesome rewards in store for you!” But Abram was a bit worried because he didn’t have any kids to share all this cool stuff with.

A Promise like the Stars So, God made a huge promise. He took Abram outside at night and said, “Look up at the sky and try to count the stars. That’s how many kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids you’re going to have!” Abram believed God, and God was really happy with his faith.

A New Land for Abram’s Family God also told Abram that he was going to give him a big piece of land for his family, a place called Canaan. Abram wanted to know how he could be sure this would all happen. God told him to prepare a special sacrifice, which Abram did right away.

A Peek into the Future While Abram was taking a nap by his sacrifice, God told him that his family would go through some tough times in a place that wasn’t their home, but in the end, they would come back to Canaan with lots of goodies. God also promised Abram a long, peaceful life.

A Special Sign Then, something super cool happened. A smoking pot and a flaming torch, which were signs of God being there, passed between the pieces of the sacrifice. This was God’s way of shaking hands with Abram, promising that his kids would get the land from Egypt to a big river called the Euphrates.

Lessons from Abram’s Story

  • Brave Explorers Welcome: Just like Abram, sometimes we have to step into the unknown, trusting that good things are ahead.
  • Stargazing Dreams: When we look at the stars, we can remember God’s promise to Abram and think about the big plans and hopes we have for our own lives.
  • Family Adventures: Abram’s story teaches us that family is super important and can lead to amazing things in the future.
  • Taking Care of Our World: Just like Abram took care of the land promised to him, we should take good care of the Earth.
  • Friendship with God: Abram shows us that being friends with God means trusting and believing in Him, even when things seem unsure.

So, kids, what did you think about Abram’s starry promise? Isn’t it cool how a simple look at the stars can remind us of such a big adventure and promise? What kind of promises do you think are important in your own adventures?

Remember, every night when you see the stars, think about Abram’s story and all the wonderful things that are possible when we have faith and dream big. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be part of a big promise, too!