16. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Abram, Sarai, and Hagar’s Story.

Hello, young friends! Today, let’s explore an interesting story about Abram, his wife Sarai, and Hagar, which is like a big mix-up that taught everyone some important lessons.

Once upon a time, Sarai and Abram really wanted a child, but they didn’t have any. Sarai had an idea and asked Abram to have a baby with her helper, Hagar, who was from Egypt. Abram agreed, and soon Hagar was going to have a baby.

A Bit of Jealousy Things got a bit tricky when Hagar started feeling a bit too proud, and Sarai felt left out. Sarai was so upset that Hagar decided to run away into the desert. Imagine feeling so mixed up that you’d want to run away!

A Messenger With a Promise But guess what? Out in the desert, a special messenger from God, called an angel, found Hagar by a water spring. The angel told her to go back and promised her that her baby would grow up to have a HUGE family. The angel even told her to name her baby Ishmael, which means “God hears.”

The Big Return So, Hagar decided to go back to Sarai and Abram. And when Ishmael was born, Abram was 86 years old! That’s pretty old to become a dad, don’t you think?

Lessons from Their Adventure

  • Being Kind and Sharing: Sometimes, we might feel jealous like Sarai or a bit too proud like Hagar, but it’s super important to share and be kind to each other.
  • Listening to Good Advice: Hagar listened to the angel’s advice to go back, which was scary, but it turned out okay in the end! Sometimes, listening to good advice, even when it’s hard, can help solve problems.
  • Promises are Special: God’s promise to Hagar about Ishmael’s big family reminds us that everyone is important and has their own special story.
  • Saying Sorry and Making Up: Even when friends or family have misunderstandings, saying sorry and making up, just like Hagar coming back, can make things better again.

So, kids, that’s the story of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar—a tale of mixed-up feelings, making choices, and how saying sorry, sharing, and listening can fix things. What do you think you would have done if you were in Hagar’s shoes?

Remember, every story from the Bible has some cool lessons for us today. Stay tuned for more adventures and lessons from the past that can help us be better friends and family members today!