Bible for Kids. The Story of Cain.

Lessons on Kindness and Choices.

Hey kids! Today, let’s talk about a story from the Bible about two brothers, Cain and Abel, and learn some really important lessons from them.

Cain the Farmer Cain was the first kid ever born, the son of Adam and Eve. He grew up to become a farmer who worked really hard to grow fruits and veggies. That sounds like a good thing, right? Growing food to help feed your family is a pretty awesome job.

A Big Problem Both Cain and his brother, Abel, decided to give gifts to God. Abel’s gift was liked by God, but Cain’s wasn’t. This made Cain very, very upset. Instead of asking why or trying to do better next time, Cain let his jealousy and anger grow bigger and bigger.

A Sad Choice Cain’s anger got the best of him, and he made a very sad choice by hurting his brother. When God asked Cain where Abel was, Cain tried to pretend he didn’t know. But you can’t hide anything from God!

What Happened to Cain Because Cain made a bad choice, he had to leave his home and live far away. But even though Cain did something very wrong, God still cared about him and made sure no one would hurt him. That shows us even when we mess up, we’re still cared about.

What We Can Learn

  1. Be Kind, Not Jealous: It’s okay to feel upset sometimes, but we should talk about our feelings instead of letting them make us do mean things.
  2. Learn from Mistakes: If things don’t go our way, it’s not the end! We can always try again and do better next time.
  3. God Cares About Us: Even when we make mistakes, we are still loved and cared for. It’s important to say sorry and try to fix what we did wrong.
  4. Choices are Important: Every choice we make is really important, and it’s up to us to make good ones.

Remember, boys and girls, we all can learn from Cain’s story to make better choices, to not let jealousy win, and to always try to be the best version of ourselves. What are some ways you can show kindness today?

So, that’s the story of Cain and Abel. It has some sad parts, but it also teaches us some really important lessons about how to treat others and make good choices. Let’s all try to be more like Abel, who did his best, and remember to always care for each other, just like we want to be cared for!