Bible for Kids. The Story of Noah.

Hey there, mini adventurers! Today we’ve got an awesome story about a man named Noah. It’s all about big boats, even bigger rains, and a super special rainbow. Let’s dive into the tale of Noah and his ark, which is a big part of the Bible in the book called Genesis, chapters 6 to 9.

Noah’s Big Project Long, long ago, the world was not a very nice place, and this made God very sad. But there was one man, Noah, who was really good and kind. God had a big task for Noah: to build a giant boat called an ark. This wasn’t just any boat; it was HUGE and was meant to carry Noah, his family, and two of every kind of animal in the world. Can you imagine living on a boat with elephants, tigers, and even kangaroos?

Splash! Here Comes the Flood After Noah finished building the ark, it started to rain, and it didn’t stop for forty whole days and nights! The water covered everything, even the tallest mountains. But guess what? Noah’s ark floated on the water, and everyone on the ark was safe and snug.

A Promise with a Rainbow After a while, the rain stopped, the water went away, and Noah’s ark landed on a mountain. When Noah and all the animals left the ark, God made a very important promise. He promised never to send such a big flood again, and as a sign of this promise, He put a beautiful rainbow in the sky. Now, whenever we see a rainbow, we can remember God’s promise to Noah.

Noah’s Family Tree Did you know Noah was related to the very first people, Adam and Eve? Yup, there were a lot of great-greats in his family tree leading up to him. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth, who helped fill the world with people again after the flood.

Lessons from Noah

  • Listening and Helping: Noah listened to God and helped take care of all the animals.
  • Being Kind: Just like Noah, we can be kind to every person and animal we meet.
  • Bravery: Noah was super brave to build the ark and take care of his giant floating zoo.
  • Starting Fresh: After the flood, Noah and his family got to start a brand-new adventure, just like we can always start fresh when we make mistakes.
  • Rainbows Mean Promises: Every time you see a rainbow, remember it’s a sign of a very special promise.

So, that’s the exciting story of Noah, his ark, and the very first rainbow. What would you do if you were on Noah’s ark? Which animal would you want to take care of the most?

Remember, just like Noah, you can make the world a better place with kindness and courage. Now, let’s go find our own rainbows!