Faithful Stewardship: Voting as an Act of Christian Service.

In the Christian faith, stewardship is a principle that extends far beyond the management of personal resources—it encompasses a broader responsibility towards the well-being of our communities and the world around us. As Christians, we are called not only to nurture and protect God’s creation but also to contribute positively to the societal structures within which we live. This includes participating actively in our democratic processes, such as the upcoming 2024 Presidential election. By casting our votes, we engage in an act of Christian service, stewarding the gifts of freedom and democracy entrusted to us.

Voting as an Expression of Love and Service

The greatest commandments, to love God fully and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31), provide a compelling foundation for understanding the act of voting as an extension of Christian service. When we vote, we exercise a privilege that can influence policies and leadership in ways that affect the welfare of our neighbors—both near and far. In deciding whom to vote for, Christians have the opportunity to consider which candidates and policies are most likely to promote justice, peace, and the common good.

Stewardship of Voice and Vote

The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) serves as a vivid reminder of the importance of utilizing the resources and opportunities afforded to us for the greater good. Just as the servants in the parable were entrusted with the master’s wealth, so too are we entrusted with the invaluable rights of voice and vote. To abstain from voting is akin to burying our talent in the ground; to vote thoughtfully is to invest in the future of our society, seeking a return that glorifies God and furthers His kingdom on earth.

Discerning the Common Good

Engaging as a faithful steward in the voting process requires discernment—a prayerful consideration of how best to use our vote to serve others and honor God. This involves educating ourselves on the issues at stake, understanding the positions of different candidates, and weighing these matters against the teachings of Scripture. It encourages Christians to look beyond personal interests, considering the wider impacts of their choices on the vulnerable, the marginalized, and the environment.

Encouraging Community Participation

Just as the early Church came together to make decisions (Acts 15), so too can faith communities today support one another in the voting process. Churches can play a pivotal role by providing non-partisan resources that help congregants understand the issues and the voting process. Additionally, they can foster environments where respectful and loving discussions about civic responsibilities are encouraged, equipping believers to engage in the electoral process with informed consciences.

As the 2024 Presidential election approaches, Christians have a profound opportunity to embody the values of the Gospel through their participation. Voting, viewed through the lens of Christian service, becomes an act of love—a way to steward the blessings of liberty and democracy for the welfare of all. Let us approach the polls with prayerful hearts, asking God for the wisdom to make choices that reflect His love and justice, and let us encourage one another towards active and thoughtful engagement. In doing so, we bear witness to the transformative power of Christ’s love at work in the world, one vote at a time.