1. Bible for Kids. Genesis. The First Week of Creation

Let’s dive into a story about how everything started! Imagine a world where nothing exists, not even light. This story comes from the first part of a very old and special book called the Bible, specifically from the chapters Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3.

Once upon a time, there was only darkness and water. Then, God decided to create the whole world! On the first day, He said, “Let there be light,” and suddenly, daylight filled the sky! God liked this light so much that He called the light “Day” and the darkness “Night.”

On the second day, God made the sky by separating the water below from the water above. Isn’t it cool to think about water above the sky?

Then came the third day, when God gathered all the water under the sky to one place, making dry land appear, which He called “Earth.” On this land, God made all sorts of plants and trees with yummy fruits.

On day four, God put the sun, moon, and stars in the sky to give light to the earth and to help us know the time for days, seasons, and years.

On the fifth day, God filled the oceans with fish and the sky with birds. He wanted these creatures to fill the waters and sky, so He blessed them to have many babies.

Day six was a busy day! God created animals to live on the land. Then, He made humans to look after the earth. He told them to take care of all the animals and plants.

After all this work, on the seventh day, God took a rest. He looked at everything He made and was very happy. So, He blessed the seventh day as a special day of rest.

So there you have it! In just seven days, God made everything in the world, from light to animals to people, and even had time to take a little break. This amazing story reminds us of the beginning of everything and the importance of taking care of our beautiful world and all its creatures, just as God did.