13. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Abram and Lot’s Big Choice.

Hey kids! Today we’re going on another adventure in the Bible with Abram (who later gets a cool new name, Abraham) and his nephew Lot. Imagine having to share your whole playground with your cousin but realizing it’s just too small for both of you. That’s kind of what happened with Abram and Lot after they left Egypt with so much stuff!

Too Much Stuff, Too Little Space Abram and Lot came back with their families, animals, toys (well, maybe not toys, but lots of other stuff!), and they tried to live together. But guess what? They had so much stuff that they couldn’t fit in the same place. The people taking care of their animals even started arguing because there wasn’t enough space!

Abram’s Big Idea Abram didn’t want to fight with Lot. He said, “We’re family, and we shouldn’t argue. Let’s just pick different places to live so we have enough room.” Abram was really kind and let Lot choose first!

Lot Picks a Spot Lot looked around and saw this super green and pretty land (kind of like looking at the best piece of cake and saying, “I want that one!”). So, he chose the land near a place called Sodom, even though the people there weren’t very nice.

Abram Gets a Promise After Lot left, God told Abram to look around because all the land he could see would be his and his family’s forever. And not just a little family, but a family as huge as the dust on the ground – that’s A LOT of people! Then, Abram moved to a place called Hebron and built an altar to thank God.

What We Can Learn

  • Sharing is Caring: Just like Abram, sharing and being kind keeps families and friends happy.
  • Making Choices: Sometimes we have to make big decisions like Lot. It’s important to think about more than what just looks nice.
  • God’s Promises: Abram was promised a huge family and a big land because he trusted and listened to God. It teaches us that good things come when we have faith.
  • Saying Thank You: Building altars was Abram’s way of saying thank you to God. We can say thank you in many ways, like helping others or being kind.

Abram and Lot’s story shows us that even when faced with tough decisions, being kind, making smart choices, and trusting in promises can lead to amazing things. Now, think about it: If you had to choose a new place to live, what would you look for? How would you say “thank you” for the good things in your life?

Remember, every story from the Bible has something cool to teach us about how to be better friends, make wise choices, and take care of the big world we all share. What adventure will you go on next?