5. Bible for Kids. Genesis. From Adam to Noah.

Hey, kids! Did you know that a super-duper long time ago, the very first people and a big family tree started with a guy named Adam? Yep, that’s right! And this story goes all the way to a man named Noah who built a really big boat. Let’s dig into this awesome story that’s like a journey back in time!

Adam Starts the Family First off, we have Adam. He was the very first person, and guess what? He lived to be 930 years old! Adam had a son named Seth when he was 130, and Seth started his own family too.

Seth and His Family Now, Seth was pretty special because he continued the family line, leading to some pretty cool people. One of them was Enoch, who was so good that he didn’t die—God just took him up to heaven! Can you imagine? Just walking with God and then whoosh, off to heaven!

Methuselah, the Record Breaker Then, there’s Methuselah. This guy set the record because he lived to be 969 years old—no one lived longer than him in the whole Bible! Methuselah had a son named Lamech.

Lamech and Little Noah Lamech had a son named Noah when he was 182. Lamech thought Noah was pretty special and hoped he would bring comfort to everyone because the ground was hard to grow food on, all thanks to a curse a long time ago.

Noah and His Big Family Noah is super famous because he built a huge boat called an ark. But before that, he grew up and had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth, when he was 500 years old. That’s right, 500!

Learning From the Story

  • Knowing Our Roots: Just like Adam’s family, it’s cool to know where we come from and the stories of our ancestors.
  • Long Lives: Can you imagine living for hundreds of years? People back then had so much time to learn and do things.
  • Special Friends of God: Some people, like Enoch, were super close to God. It shows us how cool it is to be friends with God.
  • Starting Over: Noah’s story is about starting fresh and taking care of the world and each other, just like we should.
  • Big Families Lead to Big Adventures: From one person, Adam, came a huge family that had lots of adventures and stories, just like our families do!

So there you have it! From Adam to Noah, it’s one big story of how the very first family grew, lived, and had some amazing adventures. It’s like the biggest family tree ever! What do you think your place in the “family tree” of the world is? What kind of adventures do you want to have?

Remember, every story from back then helps us learn something cool about how to live, love, and take care of our world today. Let’s be like Noah and make the world a better place, one good deed at a time!