6. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Noah’s Big Boat Adventure.

Hey there, young explorers! Today, we’re going to talk about a super exciting story from the Bible about Noah, his giant boat (called an ark), and a whole lot of animals! This story is from a part of the Bible called Genesis, and it’s about how Noah helped save the world.

Too Much Troublemaking Long, long ago, people weren’t being very nice to each other. They were making a lot of bad choices, and the earth wasn’t a happy place. But there was one man, named Noah, who was different because he always tried to do what was right.

God’s Big Plan God saw all the trouble and decided it was time for a fresh start. But because Noah was such a good man, God had a special plan for him. He told Noah to build a huge ark because a massive flood was coming that would cover the whole earth!

Building the Ark Building the ark was a huge job. Imagine making a boat as long as a football field and as tall as a three-story building, all without any modern tools! Noah got to work, though, because he trusted God’s plan.

Animal Buddies God told Noah to bring two of every kind of animal onto the ark—lions, giraffes, elephants, bunnies, you name it! Noah also brought his family and lots of food for everyone.

Splash! The Flood Comes Then, it started to rain, and it rained like never before. Water covered everything, but Noah, his family, and all the animals were safe and snug in the ark.

A Brand New World After a long time, the rain stopped, and the earth dried up. Noah sent out a dove to see if it was safe to leave the ark, and when the dove brought back an olive leaf, Noah knew it was okay to go out.

A Promise in the Sky When they finally left the ark, God made a promise to never send a flood to cover the earth again. As a sign of this promise, God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

Lessons from the Story

  • Taking Care of Our Planet: Noah’s story teaches us how important it is to take good care of the earth and be kind to all living things.
  • Listening and Trusting: Sometimes, we need to listen carefully and trust in good advice, just like Noah listened to God.
  • Bravery and Hard Work: Noah shows us that with hard work and courage, we can face big challenges and make a difference.
  • New Beginnings: Just like the world got a fresh start after the flood, we can always make changes and start anew if we need to.

So, that’s the incredible tale of Noah, his ark, and the flood. Every time you see a rainbow, remember it’s a reminder of God’s promise and the story of a new beginning. What kind of adventure would you have if you were on Noah’s ark? Who would be your animal buddy?