7. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Great Flood and a Fresh Start.

Hey kids! Let’s chat about an amazing story from the Bible about Noah, a gigantic flood, and how the world got a do-over! Noah’s adventure is like a wild ride through stormy weather with a boatful of animals.

Once upon a time, the world was not a very nice place. People were making bad choices and not being kind to each other. God saw all this and thought it was time to clean up, but there was one man, Noah, who was different. He was good and kind, so God had a special job for him.

Noah’s Big Job God told Noah to build a huge boat called an ark. Imagine building a wooden boat as big as a soccer field and as tall as a four-story building! Noah got to work and also gathered two of every kind of animal – lions, giraffes, bunnies, you name it! Plus, Noah’s family hopped on board too.

Splash! Here Comes the Rain Then, it started to rain…a lot! It rained for forty days and forty nights without stopping, covering even the tallest mountains with water. But guess what? Noah, his family, and all the animals were safe and cozy inside the ark.

A Fresh Start After a long time, the rain stopped, and the water slowly went away. Noah sent out a dove to see if the land was dry. Finally, the dove brought back an olive leaf, which meant it was safe to leave the ark. They had found land!

God’s Promise When they came out, God made a promise never to send a flood like that again. And do you know what sign He gave to show this promise? A beautiful rainbow! Now, every time we see a rainbow, we can remember God’s promise to Noah.

Lessons from Noah’s Story

  • Be Prepared: Just like Noah built the ark, it’s important to be ready for whatever might happen. That could mean wearing a helmet when biking or having a flashlight during a power outage.
  • Taking Care of Our World: Noah saved all those animals, which reminds us how important it is to take care of our planet and all its creatures.
  • Teamwork Works: Building an ark and caring for animals was a big job! It shows us how working together as a team can make big tasks much easier.
  • Starting Fresh: Sometimes, we all need a fresh start. Noah’s story teaches us that it’s possible to begin again and make things better.
  • Promises Matter: God kept His promise with a rainbow. It’s a reminder that keeping promises is super important.

So, that’s the story of Noah’s ark, the great flood, and how it led to a brand new beginning. What an adventure, right? What would you take on an ark if you had to choose? Remember, every day is a chance to make the world a better place, just like Noah did!