8. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Noah’s Big Boat Ride – World’s Biggest Splash.

Hey, kiddos! Today, we’re going to talk about an incredible story from the Bible about Noah, his ginormous boat (called an ark), and lots and lots of rain. This story is from a book called Genesis, and it’s about how Noah helped save the world with a little help from his animal friends.

After a lot of naughtiness on Earth, God decided it was time for a big clean-up, but he saw that Noah was a really good person. So, God told Noah about His plan for a giant flood and asked Noah to build a super big boat to keep his family and two of every kind of animal safe.

Building the Ark Noah got to work, hammering and sawing, building the biggest boat you’ve ever seen. It was longer than a football field and as tall as a four-story building! Can you imagine that? Once it was done, Noah, his family, and a parade of animals, from tiny ants to huge elephants, all boarded the ark just in time.

The Rain Begins Then came the rain. It rained and rained, more than any rainy day you’ve seen, for forty whole days and nights. The water covered everything, even the tallest mountains!

A New Beginning After a while, the rain stopped, and slowly but surely, the water began to go down. Noah sent out a dove to see if the land was dry. When the dove brought back an olive leaf, Noah knew it was safe to leave the ark.

God’s Rainbow Promise When they all came out, God made a promise to never send a flood like that again, and He put a beautiful rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise. Every time we see a rainbow, we can remember God’s promise to Noah and all of us.

What We Learn from Noah

  • Be Prepared: Noah teaches us it’s important to be ready for anything, just like he was when he built the ark.
  • Take Care of Animals: Saving two of every animal shows us how important it is to look after all creatures, big and small.
  • Listen and Trust: Noah listened to God and trusted Him, even when things seemed scary and uncertain.
  • New Beginnings Are Possible: After the flood, Noah and his family had a chance to start over, just like we can always start fresh when we make mistakes.
  • Promises Are Important: Just like God’s promise to Noah, it’s important to keep our promises to our friends and family.

So, that’s the incredible story of Noah’s ark, the flood, and how a rainbow reminds us of God’s promise. What would you do if you were on Noah’s ark? Which animal would you want to take care of?

Remember, every day is an opportunity to do good, be kind, and make the world a better place, just like Noah did with his big boat. What kind of adventure will you have today?