9. Bible for Kids. Genesis. Rainbows and Promises – Big Boat Adventure.

Hi there, young friends! Guess what? After a super big rain that lasted a looong time, Noah, his family, and all the animals finally saw the sun again! This story is from a part in the Bible called Genesis, and it’s all about how everything got a fresh start thanks to Noah’s big boat, also known as the ark.

Noah Gets a Special Message After it rained and rained, God remembered Noah and everything living in the ark. He sent a wind to dry up all the water. Imagine that! The whole earth was like a giant puddle that needed to be dried.

Land Ho! The ark finally landed on a mountain called Ararat. Noah waited until it was safe and sent out a raven and then a dove to check if they could find dry land. When the dove brought back an olive leaf, Noah knew it was time to leave the ark.

A New Beginning God told Noah and his family to come out of the ark and enjoy the earth again. Noah was so thankful that he built an altar to thank God. God was happy with Noah’s thank you gift and made a big promise: He would never flood the whole earth again. As a sign of this promise, God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky!

Lessons We Learn

  • Taking Care of Our Earth: Just like Noah looked after all the animals, we should take care of our planet and all its creatures.
  • Being Ready Helps: Noah teaches us that being prepared, like having an ark ready, is super important, whether it’s packing an umbrella or doing our homework.
  • Saying Thank You: Noah said thank you to God with an altar. We can also say thanks in many ways, like helping others or taking care of our family and friends.
  • Rainbows Mean Promise: Every time we see a rainbow, we can remember God’s promise to Noah and how special promises are.
  • Starting Over Can Be Good: Even when things seem really bad, there’s always a chance for a fresh start, just like the new beginning after the flood.

So, that’s the story all about how Noah helped save the world, and how we got the first rainbow. Isn’t it amazing?! What’s your favorite part of the story? And what promise would you make to take care of our beautiful world?

Remember, even the smallest person can make a big difference, just like Noah did with his ark. So, let’s be kind to each other, our planet, and all the animals too!