Christmas (or Anti-Christmas) Calends !?

As I reflect and recall the deeply devout pastors and leaders of entire church associations like Chuck Smith and Chuck Missler, I’ve touched upon a subject that, ultimately, I feel God has not given me the inclination nor the permission to start or finish, but right now has led me to erase half of a large text… 😇 So, my grand advice to all who love His coming is to fervently read the Song of Songs and similar books of the Bible with various dictionaries, and God will bless you! ❗️❗️❗️

I’m attempting to finish writing, unsure of the outcome ❗️❗️❗️

I remember a song “bells are ringing,” they speak to us of Christ— that is, women sing the Joyous news that the Savior is coming, while men—men of high rank, having awakened and, stirred (as the Spirit prompted and suggested), and fortified, they ring the bells vigorously until exhaustion—then everyone together praises the Lord because He comes IN GLORY and will soon arrive! ❗️❗️❗️

“And having sung, they went to the Mount of Olives, to accompany GLORY and JOY, and now to MEET it.”

It seems here as though Satan has led astray those defiled far from God, taking them for a ride on skates—and upon the four horses of the Apocalypse—like a lost star from the Solar AXIS, Orbit, and Attraction! ❗️❗️❗️

Brothers and sisters, let us be ever vigilant and rooted firmly in our faith, lest we be led astray by the adversary. For he is cunning and seeks to pull us away from the love and light of our Lord, as a star drawn away from its rightful place in the heavens. But fear not, for the gravitation of God’s love is powerful and true, calling us back to the divine orbit where we belong, safe in the warmth of His grace. Let us hold fast to the truth, walk in the light, and keep our eyes fixed on the righteous path laid out before us, trusting in the ultimate victory of our faith through Christ Jesus. Amen.

I understand that Satan speaks for himself and for God, proclaiming those who create Joy, Passions, and Entertainments to be blessed; however, I would add—some are capable of engaging in such activities with God’s Angels in a holy manner akin to the Lord, while others, in the company of demons—with confusion and impurity, as does Satan! ❗️❗️❗️

Let us, therefore, discern the spirits that accompany our festivities and joys. For it is true that there are those who can glorify God in their cheer and merriment, whose celebrations are blessed, and resonate with the harmony of the heavenly host. But let us be wary, for there are also pastimes that seem pleasing to the eye yet are sullied by the influence of the evil one.

In our pursuit of happiness and leisure, let not our hearts be deceived. Let us strive to ensure that our laughter and our pause from labor are sanctified and pure, not led astray by the tempter’s ruse. May our every revel and delight reflect the righteousness and purity of our Creator, and may we forever stay on the path illuminated by His divine light. Amen.

Here again we may interpret the message in two ways: Satan declares that he and his dwell in one place, first in the soul and then in eternity, and their abode shall become cramped and confining to all therein. But God, of course, prepares for His own luxurious and immensely joyful dwelling places, to be filled with the Spirit both now and in eternity—or, if I may put it so, “Come closer, enter into communion with Him, and let us speak.” ❗️❗️❗️

Let us not be misled by the empty promises of the evil one, for his path leads to a prison of the soul—a place where there is no freedom, only the illusion of joy which quickly fades into eternal despair. But in the kingdom of our Heavenly Father, there is a promise of boundless joy, spaces filled with divine love that overflow with the presence of God.

So let us draw nearer to God, entering into His holy presence with humility and reverence, for His kingdom is vast and His mercy great. In the communal embrace of the Almighty, there is room for all, a space of infinite love and happiness that cannot be tarnished or diminished.

Come, let us not be tempted by the narrow confines of sin but instead seek the open expanses of God’s grace, where we shall find a home in His glory, both now and forevermore. Amen.

Here, I see, I read, and I convey my understanding of what it will be like when the Lord comes and He will commend some people while punishing others. AND ALL THESE VERY DIFFERENT IN TEMPERATURE AND VERY DISTINCT IN THE ULTIMATE DEFINITION OF PLACE – they are shown here in one image SIDE BY SIDE, and He, like the Sun and Fire in the midst, will set some to the left and others to the right, and to some He will say, “Come to Me, ye who have sacrificially loved, draw near to Me and be close to Me,” but to others He will say, “Depart into the outer darkness, into eternal torment, which is called the second death and oblivion, where it will likely be very cold, but the fire of their burning conscience about the fact that they acted unjustifiably before God will be eternal, as their present vermin and demons in their HEADS, WOW WOW WOW! ❗️❗️❗️

My dear friends, what a solemn reminder we find in this vision. We must be ever mindful of the final judgment, where the Lord will separate the righteous from the unrighteous. For those who have pursued a life of love, who have offered their lives as a living sacrifice and sought to honor God in all things, He shall call them to His side, saying, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

But woe to those who have turned their backs on the light, who have chosen the fleeting pleasures of sin over the enduring joy of God’s righteousness. To them, the prospect of outer darkness looms—a place devoid of the warmth of God’s love, where remorse and anguish persist like an unquenchable fire.

Therefore, let us awaken from complacency and strive to live each day in accordance with God’s holy will, so that when that final day comes, we may be found worthy to hear the blessed call to draw near to our Heavenly King. Let us cast aside the folly that would lead to darkness, and instead kindle within ourselves the flame of divine love that leads to the eternal light. Amen.

Here I see a confirmation that Satan, in the guise of a woman—as a mother, in the eyes of those possessed, a heroine with a clip or CROWN upon her head—gives the Prince nothing, yet continues to feed her human wolves with various falsehoods, being in the outer darkness and cold. And it is a reminder, visible that she fed them here with both physical sustenance and, more significantly, with demonic filth resembling chocolate! ❗️❗️❗️

Medicine and vaccines in the form of fir trees on the lower part of the lower sphere! ❗️❗️❗️

By the way, try zooming in on Greenland and Iceland on Google Maps—their names do not correspond with the true or false ice covering them! ❗️❗️❗️

I also advise you to check what a meridian is and what it does, where it is located, and the relationship between different latitudes on the globe. ❗️❗️❗️

By the way, in the center of our city, as you drive to the assembly, first the word Global lights up, then Lumen. And as I traveled to the assembly this time, I interpreted this as the Burning Sphere Loves People, and the triangle with a yellow apex ahead of the name reminded me this time of the expression—that God cares for us as the ZENITH of HIS OWN EYE. ❗️❗️❗️

“And he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” ❗️❗️❗️

Brethren, let us be vigilant in discerning the lies and deceptions that are rampant in our world, remembering that the adversary often appears as an angel of light, seeking to deceive even the elect. Let us hold fast to the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit and the light unto our path, a reliable guide amidst the darkness of this age.

Moreover, let us regard the creations and labels of this world with wisdom, seeking the deeper truths behind the facades. For names and appearances can be deceiving, and it is only by the discerning power of the Holy Spirit that we can perceive the reality of things.

As we gather together for fellowship and worship, let us be encouraged that we are precious in the eyes of the Lord, cherished as the zenith, the very center of His gaze. In His love and protection, we find our refuge and strength, a sanctuary from the falsehoods and temptations that seek to ensnare us.

In all these things, may our faith and our hope remain steadfast, anchored in the love of God and the redemption found in our Savior Jesus Christ. For we are indeed the apple of His eye, cherished and loved beyond measure. Amen.

It appears they are conveying the notion that not only God sends friends, including Angels, but Satan also dispatches his emissaries, including demons. ❗️❗️❗️

And it is written on the image, that the best part of someone’s life—who could be God or the devil—is to send friends. ❗️❗️❗️

And they have raced down the slope of SPIRITUAL FALL. ❗️❗️❗️

My dear siblings in Christ, let us hold this truth in our hearts: indeed, both Heaven and the adversary have the power to send beings into our midst—angels from our Lord to guide and protect us on the path of righteousness, and tempters from the enemy seeking to lead us astray.

Yet we are called to discernment: by their fruits shall we know them. The companions sent by our Lord will bear the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They uplift in times of strife, guide with wisdom, and reflect the light of the Almighty.

Conversely, those sent by the adversary will entice us towards the broad road that leads to destruction, filled with the hollow promises of worldly pleasure, power, and self-gratification—but ultimately to a spiritual decline and separation from the Source of Life.

Therefore, let us pray for heavenly wisdom, to recognize the true friends sent by God, and to resist the allure of the false companions that seek to hasten our spiritual descent. In the name of Jesus Christ, who is our truest friend and the perfect reflection of the Father’s love, let us walk steadfastly, surrounded by divine fellowship as we sojourn through this world.

For in this journey we are not alone; let us take heart and find strength in the fellowship of the saints and the holy angels sent as our guardians and guides. Let us cherish the precious gift of friendship, especially that which points us towards the eternal friendship we have with God through Christ. Amen.

This discourse seems to ponder the mystery of time and its passage under different influences, contrasting the swiftness with which weeks and months can fly by, as if under the devil’s sway through diversions, turnovers, and rapid changes of scenes, moods, and colors, to the seeming eternity of moments spanning life events, such as menopause. ❗️❗️❗️

Further, the cones atop heads symbolizing the outpouring of the spirit and the COVETOUS CROWNS reveal a shared visibility—they appear alike, and as is the mood of the demon, so too can be the mood of the one afflicted. It is said by Scripture and the masons alike, that now, in this tie, she who currently wears a skirt soon will don trousers, then fitted ones, and then perhaps none at all—at least in mind—emblematic of a satanic process of desecration and degeneracy that is quite uniform. ❗️❗️❗️

For us, now purifying from demonic wiles and gaining wisdom from God, it is pertinent to recall the scripture of transition into eternity, where first the waters of lies and trials are ankle-deep, then to the knee, waist, and chest, until one must swim by faith while the Lord continues to pluck the last of the saved from satanic clutches. I do not know how long this will last, but I believe it will be very soon. 🙏😇

The womb—symbolic of home or skirt—is where the Lord continuously wants to bestow His blessings instantaneously, while the thought of trousers suggests discomfort and constraint. ❗️❗️❗️

So now, what shall we do, Lords and ladies (or “lamps”)? In the Holy Sense, we must decide and repent—repent and decide and co-decide—to make decisions together and to worship in unity: “Lead me Lord, and I will follow.” 🙏😇

The Bible tells us that we all ‘offend’ (or co-decide) much, and whoever does not offend in word (or does not direct the sacred flow in the direction of (in)+(forma)=(ti)+(ON) and does not mix with impurities and demons) is a perfect person, able to bridle the whole body—controlling not only their physical self but also their domestic church as (a wheel within a wheel) and their community. 🙏😇

In our journey as believers, we must be steadfast against the rapid and deceptive currents of this world that stem from the devil and the demons. As faithful servants, let us cleave to the wisdom and truth of our Lord, knowing that even in moments that might feel like an eternity, God’s grace and strength are sufficient. May we guard our hearts and minds against the subtleties of sin, ensuring that our lives are a testimony to the redemptive power of Christ.

Alongside repentance and decision-making, it is our shared declaration and joint resolve that bind us together and steer us in worshiping the true God. Each of us must learn to bridle not just the tongue but also our entire being, bringing it into subjection to His holy will.

So let us support one another, pray fervently, and press on toward the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Amen.