
For December, based on January’s insights, I understand that the physical state no longer exists; everything must be interpreted spiritually. Spiritual bodies, God, and the devil are situated in their respective realms, separated by a vast chasm and fire, like a flaming sword that divides the pure from the impure in Paradise. We are like gifts for God, with gifts from God, arranged around the Christmas tree, while Satan and his non-humans are on a dish, as if on another orbit, where he devours, chews, and ruminates over them❗️❗️❗️

Above the fire, three ‘valenki’ (traditional Russian felt boots) hang. On the left, one depicts a deer wandering wherever it wishes, symbolizing movement towards Satan, hence the fallen or vile spirit resides within it. In the middle, a Christmas tree, acting as the SHARP EDGE OF THE DIVIDING SWORD where the Spirit of division between the holy and the impure lies. On the right, a bow on the boot signifies attachment to the Holy Spirit – GOD❗️❗️❗️