“Thou” in the Bible

When reading the Bible, especially older versions like the King James Version (KJV), you’ll come across the word “thou” quite a lot. But have you ever wondered what it means and how often it appears in the Bible? Let’s dive into this topic and explore the significance of the word “thou” in biblical context.

What Does “Thou” Mean?

“Thou” is an old word that means “you.” Today, we just say “you” whether we’re talking to one person or a group of people. But in older English, “thou” was used to address just one person in a more personal or intimate way. It’s similar to “tú” in Spanish or “du” in German, if you’re familiar with those languages.

How Often Does “Thou” Appear in the Bible?

In the King James Version of the Bible, the word “thou” appears thousands of times. It’s hard to give an exact count because it depends on the edition, but it’s safe to say “thou” is used over 5,000 times! This high number shows us how personalized and direct the conversations and teachings in the Bible often are.

However, providing the precise frequency of “thou” across every part would require access to a comprehensive concordance. Such an analysis would need to account not only for “thou” but also for its other forms like “thee” (object case), “thy” (possessive adjective), and “thine” (possessive pronoun before a vowel sound).

Old Testament: The Old Testament is extensive, and as such, “thou” and its variations are predictably more frequent here than in the New Testament. Books with a lot of direct speech, such as Psalms and the prophetic books (e.g., Isaiah, Jeremiah), use “thou” extensively in addressing God or in God’s address to individuals or nations.

New Testament: The usage of “thou” persists in the New Testament, notably in the Gospels and the letters (epistles), where Jesus, the apostles, or other individuals directly address singular individuals or where singular individuals are addressed by God or angels. The usage, however, is lesser in total count due to the New Testament’s smaller size compared to the Old Testament.

Psalms: As a book of songs and prayers, Psalms is notable for its direct addressing of God using “thou,” making it one of the books where “thou” appears very frequently.

Where Do We Find “Thou” in the Bible?

Knowing that “thou” is used for speaking to one person can make certain verses feel more personal. For example, when Jesus says, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:39, KJV), it’s clear he is instructing each individual to love others as they love themselves.

Using “thou” also shows us the close, personal relationship people can have with God. In prayers and psalms, using “thou” to speak to God feels intimate, like a personal conversation with a loved one. This choice of words reminds us that faith is a personal journey between an individual and the divine.

“Thou” pops up in many places throughout the Bible, but let’s highlight a few significant ones:

  • Psalms: This book is full of prayers and songs that often address God using “thou,” showing a close and personal relationship with Him. For example, Psalm 23:1 says, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
  • The Ten Commandments: In Exodus 20, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments, using “thou” to make each command personal, like “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13).
  • The Lord’s Prayer: In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus teaches us how to pray using “Thou,” emphasizing a personal connection with God, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
  • Why Is “Thou” Important?

    Using “thou” in the Bible helps remind us that God’s messages and commandments are not just general guidelines for humanity. They are meant for each of us individually. It makes the reading more personal and direct, helping believers feel a closer connection to God’s words.